

Objective: To help patients to make sport during and after their treatments

We collect donations by organizing events, so that we can communicate, support and financially help people to practice physical or sports activities, to contribute to health and well-being . Especially during and after cancer treatment.

The program and adapted objectives  are submitted and set up with health and sports professionals. Each project is worked on and validated by professionals.

We are implementing several activities:

  • Give the floor to scientists and professionals on the benefits of sport and health
  • Follow and financially help people in the context of maintaining or recovering health
  • Sign major partnerships to give us the means to carry out our actions
  • Plan and participate, organize or co-organize several "solidarity" events
  • Help research or get involved by supporting hospital actors working on these topics

Actions: Listen, help and support

Our concrete actions consist of:

  • Help the sick financially by offering gym memberships .
  • Take charge of all or part of the health sports coaching in order to guarantee the quality of the training put in place.
  • Finance or reimburse video coaches within the framework of appropriate protocols.
  • Offer or participate in the material equipment of patients . (clothing, sports shoes, etc.)
  • In the event of financial difficulty, pay part of the costs for having or continuing physical activity in a sports club (licence, contribution, training, instructors, etc.).
  • Offer tailor-made financial support to enable patients not to be forced to stop an activity due to a drop in income.
  • Reimburse all or part of relaxation sessions , yoga classes and other activities recommended by doctors.

We remind you that our association is recognized , voluntary and independent.

Your commitment and our resources are the driving force behind all these actions. The list is not exhaustive and we hope to build and do even more.

Your donations therefore make it possible to act directly on people's health.