

Diane de Navacelle de Courbertin

Sport and Olympism - Arts and Culture - Education and Inclusion - Sculpting

“I am a descendant of Pierre de Coubertin, the founder of the modern Olympic Games. Sport is a wonderful tool for learning, for educating and for self-development. That's why Pierre wanted to make it accessible to everyone. And then it's also very important to practice it at all times in life, so when sometimes you go through hardships like illness, well in fact it's essential not to stop playing sports. Sport is an extraordinary base on which we can build and rebuild ourselves. This is why I support the association PLAY AGAIN »

Doctor Catherine Navarro - Aix en Provence

Aesthetic Doctor

“PLAY AGAIN will allow cancer patients to play sports. And sport is very important. It will maintain your heart activity, maintain your muscles, it will give you self-confidence. And when you're sick, you should never let go of that. So bravo Guillaume for this association and follow PLAY AGAIN! »

Seydina André - ATP Tour

Pro tennis player (N°890 ATP)

“I support the PLAY AGAIN association and in particular the Solidarity Tournament operation, which aims to raise funds to help people during and after treatment to play sports. So I fully support the association and good tournament to all »

Doctor Cédric Cleophax - CHU Pontoise

sports doctor

“Some patients have chronic illnesses or an alteration in their state of health following heavy treatments, as is the case for cancers. For all these patients, adapted physical and sporting activity represents an essential complementary treatment, the benefits of which are now well demonstrated. All initiatives aimed at facilitating access to treatment through physical activity for these patients are welcome. That's why I support PLAY AGAIN. »

Bastien Fazincani - WTA Tour

Tennis Coach and Consultant

“I support the PLAY AGAIN association, which aims to help patients rebuild themselves through physical and sporting activities, something in which I of course strongly believe. Congratulations Guillaume for this initiative and good luck to all »

Professor Stéphane Benoist - CHU Bicêtre

Digestive and Oncological Surgeon

“During the management of digestive cancer, sport can be very useful at different times of the disease. Before any treatment to better support the treatment; during the treatments to hang on psychologically and physically and finally after the treatments for the reconstruction. For all these reasons, I naturally support PLAY AGAIN which aims to help patients continue to practice sport during the management of their disease”

Stéphanie Von Euw - City of Pontoise

Mayor of Pontoise

“Dear Sir, dear Guillaume, It is with pleasure that I discovered an article about you in the newspaper “La Gazette du Val d'Oise” published on February 15th. Allow me to send you my congratulations and my support for this “Solidarity Restaurant” operation which consists of raising funds via a donation for the benefit of the sick. Please accept, Dear Sir, the assurance of the best greetings. Вгavo for your magnificent commitment! »

Mansour Bahrami - French Tennis Federation

Tennis player & FFT Ambassador

“I have decided to accept to be a PLAY AGAIN Ambassador. I support this association

Docteur Benoît Faucon - CH René Dubos Pontoise

ENT oncologist surgeon - Head of department

“The regular practice of an adapted and supervised sports activity, during and after treatment, improves the healing rate and the quality of life of cancer patients. During his medical career, I was able to see the way in which Guillaume was able to implement this recommendation from the National Cancer Institute, which is still too little known. He now decides to put his experience at the service of patients with the enthusiasm and pugnacity of a great sportsman. We can, of course, only support this great initiative for the well-being of patients. »

Emmanuel Esquieu - Knowmore

Chairman and CEO

"Very sensitive to Guillaume's personal story, and above all to his desire to share his happy experience with other people concerned, we have decided to join in this daily fight by supporting his Play Again association as well as the solidarity projects that it intends to support. Knowmore, French software publisher, inventor of "software GPS", whose mission is to promote and access the digital adoption of users of computer systems, was among the first in its sector to make its software "accessible" c ie usable by people with disabilities. It is therefore quite naturally that we accepted with great pleasure to support this noble cause. »

Sylvain Coudon - APF France Handicap

Director of Private Resource Development

“A new association with an innovative, driving and engaging positioning. A creator capable of mobilizing a number of communities who do not yet know each other, who will come together around a shared objective. Everything is ready for a reasoned but certain development”

Jean-Baptiste Renault - ALSTOM

Cybersecurity Director France

“The treatment of serious illnesses is often heavy for those who are victims. It often requires going beyond what you think are your limits. Sport and competition also allow this but above all to understand that everything is possible. It is very important to keep hope, to set goals and to believe in them. Continuing the sport during the fight against the disease is necessarily good for faster healing. In any case, I strongly believe in it! We must support the association Play Again ! »

Julien Daire Bollini

Sports Coach & Wellness Coach

“I recommend this association with beautiful values. From my job as a Sports Coach & Well-Being Coach, I was able to support Guillaume on a daily basis in a healthier and more active lifestyle. The regular practice of a physical activity and sport can help the greatest number of people to preserve or regain their health. »